CAV minister crushes unsafe toys


More than 30,000 unsafe toys were seized in Victoria last year, some of which will today be destroyed to ensure they don’t make it into Victorian homes, Consumer Affairs Minister Tony Robinson said today.


Mr Robinson said Consumer Affairs Victoria had strict safety standards in place to protect children from dangerous toys.


“The range of seized toys to be crushed demonstrates many hazards, including the ability to cause a child to choke, inhalation, strangulation, lead exposure or eye injury, which may cause serious injury or death to children,” he said.


Some of the products to be crushed include toys that were found to contain excessive levels of lead, and toys with small breakable parts that, if swallowed, could choke a child.


“Lead poses serious health risks particularly to children because it can hinder their development,” Mr Robinson said.


“It’s a priority of Consumer Affairs Victoria to ensure products such as these are removed from the market permanently. “


Last year CAV inspectors checked in excess of 600 traders and seized more than 30,000 unsafe products that breached the Fair Trading Act 1999.


“Product safety is a very serious matter and suppliers who have broken the law by supplying dangerous products may face enforcement action,” Mr Robinson said.


Mr Robinson said Victoria was leading the way with its strict consumer laws.


In September 2009, the Victorian Government banned novelty lighters which look like toys and the Commonwealth Government last week introduced a similar ban based on the action taken by Victoria.


“These lighters look like toy animals and represent a danger to children,” Mr Robinson said.


“CAV continues to work with all state, territory and commonwealth agencies to ensure information about unsafe products is shared to ensure safety is improved nationally.”


Importers, wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers who do not comply with the mandatory standards and bans can face prosecution and fines of up to $70,000.


CAV actively educates retailers and wholesalers by providing product hazard alerts, publications and undertaking compliance visits so they can easily identify unsafe products and better understand their responsibility in keeping Victorians safe.


For more information or to raise concerns on toy safety, contact CAV on the Toy and Nursery Safety Line on 1300 36 48 94 or visit

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Shaun Inguanzo 0417 555 480

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