Who regulates what

Different government agencies are responsible for monitoring and regulating the safety of different types of products.

Regulators of general consumer products

Product safety regulation in Australia for general consumer products is a shared responsibility between the ACCC and the states and territories.

Regulators of specific types of products

Particular government agencies monitor and regulate the safety of certain specific types of products.



Note: The ACCC and the Therapeutic Goods Administration have signed a memorandum of understanding, to apply from 11 April 2023.

Medicine and medical devices

Note: The ACCC and the Therapeutic Goods Administration have signed a memorandum of understanding, to apply from 11 April 2023.

Electrical goods

Note: The ACCC has a role in supporting state and territory regulators to monitor electrical equipment recalls.


Gas appliances

Note: The ACCC has a role in supporting state and territory regulators to monitor gas appliance recalls.


Note: The ACCC and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications have signed a memorandum of understanding, to apply from 1 July 2021.

See: A new home for road vehicle recalls for information on how the MOU applies to recalls.

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Australian product safety system