Trampoline safety - It's flippin important

Summary: Watch Australian Olympian trampolinist Blake Gaudry explain the simple steps you can take to avoid injuries such as fractures, open wounds, dislocations and head injuries.

Published: 7 October 2013

Olympic trampoline gymnast, Blake Gaudry, presents this animated video. The video features children jumping on trampolines in a backyard setting showing examples of possible injuries. Each injury example is related to the 5-step safety checklist which describes steps you can take to avoid trampoline related injuries in your home.

VISION: Blake Gaudry is presented with the animated video behind him. The video shows a young boy jumping into shot making faces and doing somersaults.

BLAKE: Hi, I’m Blake Gaudry. I’ve spent my whole life having fun and pulling off big tricks on trampolines, and some people wonder how I’m still alive. Well I’ve always played it safe, with the 5  golden rules of trampoline safety.

Rule number 1 is One at a time. Two people is just too dangerous.

VISION: A girl is jumping on the trampoline when the boy joins in. Both kids accidentally bounce high off the trampoline and fly into a tree.

BLAKE: Ouch. Rule 2 is Supervise.

VISION: The boy is jumping on a trampoline while being supervised by his mum. The mum receives a phone call and wonders away talking to the caller.

BLAKE: I’m an Olympic trampolinist and even I am supervised by my coach or parents at all times to make sure I don’t get hurt.

VISION: The boy is seen jumping unsupervised with a range of comically dangerous and fragile items in hand including a chainsaw, a vase, and a lion. Finally the boy is injured and is no longer seen, the vase flies in the air and then smashes.

BLAKE: Rule 3 is to have Safety padding. Always use padding and replace any damaged or missing pads to avoid ‘clangers’.

VISION: A girl is jumping on the trampoline, occasionally falling onto the pads safely until she bounces into a pole where the padding has worn away. Hitting the metal pole directly the girl injures herself.

BLAKE: Rule 4 is Check. Regularly make sure the trampoline and net are in good condition without any holes. The springs should be intact and secure at both ends, and the frame shouldn’t be bent. You don’t want to spring any nasty surprises.

VISION: The boy is waiting by the trampoline as his mum checks the mat and springs. Satisfied, she gives the boy the ok sign. He begins jumping on the trampoline with the mum supervising.

BLAKE: Oh, and make sure the leg braces are securely locked.

VISION: As the boy is jumping the right side legs collapse, tilting the trampoline at an angle. The boy bounces off sideways, knocking his mum over as he flies by.

BLAKE: And the final rule, number 5, is Hazard-free surrounds.

VISION: A girl is jumping on a trampoline with a variety of unsafe items surrounding the trampoline. These include, gardening tools, spiky plants, fencing, overhead power lines, and a swimming pool with a shark in it.

BLAKE: Ensure that the area around the trampoline is free from hazards such as fences, play equipment or garden furniture. And there is an overhead clearance from the ground level to avoid objects like trees and wires.

VISION: The girl jumps high into the air and is electrocuted by the overhead wires.

BLAKE: Oh dear.

VISION: Blake Gaudry speaks to the viewer while a boy jumps on a trampoline in the background, performing tricks and having fun.

BLAKE: By following these 5 simple rules, trampolines can be a safe, fun and healthy way to keep active. If I didn’t stay safe, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Trampoline safety. It's flippin' important.

VISION: The end title screen appears with the following information: Trampoline safety - It's flippin' important. Logos: Kidsafe, ACCC, Government of South Australia, Consumer Affairs Victoria, NSW Fair Trading